Queer Places:
Villa Valentino, Via Camerelle, 23, 80076 Capri NA
Villa Alba and Ca’ del Sole, Via Castello, 8, 80076 Capri NA (after Villa Mura, on the right)
Villa Mura, Via Castello, 80076 Capri NA

James Talmage White (London, 1833 - Krakow, 1907) was an English painter.

James Talmage White was born in London in 1833, son of James White (1809-1883), silk merchant, Wighs deputy in the House of Commons with Gladstone for several legislatures, and of Mary Lind (1810-1883) botanist and expert watercolourist. In his father's liberal environment, the young man got to know the Italian patriots, including Garibaldi, with whom he became a friend; her sister Linda White, writer, married Pasquale Villari and oversaw the translation into English of her husband's works. Thanks to his mother he was able to refine his skills for life drawing and learn about oriental taste and aesthetics, much appreciated by Pre-Raphaelites and the Arts and Crafts movement of William Morris. In Paris, where he went as a young man, he came into contact with Jean-François Millet, the Barbizon school, and met Camille Corot. In London he frequented the Pre-Raphaelites, among whom in particular Dante Gabriele Rossetti, John Brett and Frederick Leighton. In the 1850s he reached southern Italy, and in 1860 he went to Salerno to wait for Garibaldi and participate, as an officer, in the battle of the Volturno. In 1861 he was the first artist to open a studio in Capri, where he settled, taking possession of Villa Mura, Cà del Sole and Villa Alba, using them as a home and guest house and which became a place for meetings and cultural exchanges: a point of reference for artists and foreign and Italian intellectuals attracted by the "land of the sirens". Together with other foreigners present on the island, he founded the Non-Catholic Cemetery , of which he was president for several years.

Villa Valentino

My published books:

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