Pierre de Lacretelle, Paul Morand, Jean Cocteau, la comtesse et le comte Etienne de BeaumontPierre de Lacretelle (February 28, 1886 - December 5, 1969) was a French Historien. He was slender, dark, vivacious, and highly intelligent. He was the main prototype for the composite figure, the Marquess de Chaumont, in Some People by Harold Nicolson, although Pierre himself also makes an appearance in the essay. According to James Lees-Milne, Pierre de Lacretelle was one of the men in Nicolson's life with whom he was undoubtedly infatuated for a time.

Pierre de Lacretelle was born on 26 February 1886 in Varna (Bulgarie) the son of Jules Pierre Amaury de Lacretelle (1852-1898), Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur and Consul de France, and Eugénie Juliette Brouzet (1855-1938), Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur and Présidente du "vestiaire " du XVI ème.

He died on 5 December 1969, aged 83 years old.

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