Queer Places:
University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 3PA
10 Eton Rd, London NW3 4SS, UK

Herbert David Ziman (1902 - May 29, 1983) was a member of the Hypocrites' Club. He became the Literary Editor of the Daily Telegraph and was in his fourth year at Oxford when he met Anthony Powell, a freshman. It was Ziman who later put in contact Powell with American publisher Ken Giniger, who wanted to produce a picture-book of Powell's book, A Dance to the Music of Time.

Herbert David Ziman was the son of David Ziman (1860-1920). David Ziman, a founding member of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, had his attention drawn to the quartz gold mining potential at Reefton, which in 1895 was in depression. With the Rothschilds backing, Ziman formed the Consolidated Gold Fields of New Zealand Ltd which mined at Reefton until 1951. Ziman also put money into oil exploration and other ventures of a marginal profitability.

After being educated in England, Herbert David Ziman become a journalist and literary editor for the `Daily Telegraph'. He died 29 May 1983

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